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Running Free

Ringo Starr — Running Free

с альбома: Scouse The Mouse (1977)

Running Free

I don't know how long I'll last
But I've gotta get movin' and movin' fast
I've gotta break through to the other side
I've got to run, I've got to fly

Free, free, running free
That's the way I was meant to be
Free, free, running free
Freedom looks pretty good to me

Now I'm in a hurry and I can't stand still
If I don't go now, you know, I never will
I wanna be footloose and free to roam
I wanna call the whole wide world my home

Free, free, running free
That's the way I was meant to be
Free, free, running free
Freedom looks pretty good to me

Living in a cage never really was my style
Now I've got the chance, I'm a-runnin' every mile

(Meow - meow - meow - meow - meow)
(Meow - meow - meow - meow)

I've got a plan, I've been waiting for the day
When I can get the chance to make my get away
All I needed was an open door
And now I'm gonna be away and that's for sure

Because I'm free, free, running free
That's the way I was meant to be
Free, free, running free
Freedom looks pretty good to me

Free, free, running free
That's the way I was meant to be
Free, free, running free
Freedom looks pretty good to me

Free, free, running free
That's the way I was meant to be
Free, free, running free

Run, run, run down the road. Where are you going, Mouse, in the cold, in the freezing snow? Anywhere to be away from the cage, anywhere that will take me to life, to adventure. What's that in front of you? A ship!

"A ship! look at... lit up like a Christmas tree! What's that writing on the side?

The Queen ell... the Q.E.2!"

Scouse the mouse leapt onto the ship. Sailors were pulling in the gang-plank

"Next stop, New York!"

"America! A mouse's dream!"

Scouse seemed to hear the voice of his new cockney mouse friend, Bonce, singing to him, in Animo

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