Тексты и переводы песен

America (A Mouse's Dream)

Ringo Starr — America (A Mouse's Dream)

с альбома: Scouse The Mouse (1977)

America (A Mouse's Dream)

If you're gonna be famous
I know just where you should be
Steppin' out on a stage somewhere
In the land of opportunity

And if you're gonna be big time
Bigger than any mouse short size
You ought to be in America
And I am gonna tell you why

In America you can steal the hearts
See sights that's yet unseen
They'll make you famous overnight
In America, a mouse's dream

Me father learned a lot in London
And one day he told me, "son
If you wanna know where the stars are born
Well, I, I can tell you where it's done"

Now I'm simply ordinary
So I may be where I may be
But there's just one place in the whole wide world
I know for a mouse like you to be

And that's America where you will find
The grass of greener green
The fine you'll find is super fine
In America, a mouse's dream

Just imagine New York city
Just imagine old Broadway
Don't you wish that you were there right now?
Don't you wish that you were on your way?

To America where the streets are of gold
Although I've never been
I'm sure it's true, 'coz I've been told
America's a mouse's dream

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