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Ask Louey

Ringo Starr — Ask Louey

с альбома: Scouse The Mouse (1977)

Ask Louey

Louey, I'm Louey, flying my own private jet
Like I've got wings that brings me
In touch with the fancy jet set

I'm Louey, big Louey
If you think that I'm not the big boss
Then Louey, big Louey
Will explain you're on the wrong course

If you're in trouble and in need in help
You don't need to call no one else
If you plan to [?]

Ask Louey, Louey, but nowhere to find where it's at
Ask Louey, big Louey
'Coz if you don't you'll never get fat

Don't play with fire
Don't rouse my ire, can ya dig?
I'm Mister Big, I'm Mister Big

I'm Louey, big Louey
I'll tell you where the pickers have hid
Just Louey, big Louey
The greatest since the sunny dance kid

I'm Louey, big Louey
I know that you think I'm a real gull
But I'm better, much better
The truth is I'm Louey, the seagull

Don't play with fire
Don't rouse my ire, you dig?
I'm Mister Big

I'm Mister Big, I'm the big one
You've gotta talk to me
This is my place!
You're talking to the big one
I'm the big one...

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