Тексты и переводы песен

I Know A Place

Ringo Starr — I Know A Place

с альбома: Scouse The Mouse (1977)

I Know A Place

I know a place that's wild but safe
Where oak trees grow with pine
Where the Big Bad Wolf meets Red Riding Hood
And they laugh and get along just fine

And when I think of you and think of me
I wonder who's you a which is me
When the clock strikes twelve
Will it be safe for me?

I know a place in the US of A
Where the Statue of Liberty stands tall
Where a fat pussy cat and a little white mouse
Waltz happy at a ball

And when I think of you and think of me
I wonder who's you a which is me
Will the fat pussy cat eat this little white mouse for tea?
Don't eat me, let's be friends
Don't eat me, let's be friends
Don't eat me, let's be friends
Don't eat me, let's be friends

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