Тексты и переводы песен

Come Back

Ringo Starr — Come Back

с альбома: Look Up (2025)

Come Back

(feat. Lucius)

When you go away
As night turns into day
I walk alone and feel you gone
Through streets of stone until the dawn

When day turns to night
I await the morning light
And another place, another time
When I'll be yours and you'll be mine

Come back
Come back
On the wings of the morning
Come back on the wings of a dove
Come back
Come back
When you hear the warning
Come back to the world, my love

One uncloudy day
When you come back to stay
The world will start, the bells will ring
The sea will part, the birds will sing

Come back
Come back
On the wings of the morning
Come back on the wings of a dove
Come back
Come back
When you hear the warning
Come back to the world, my love

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