Тексты и переводы песен

Do Not Weep

Do not weep about the night
Though your wings are broken
Do not weep about the dark
Though your songs are unspoken
Do not weep about the sun
Though it blinded your weary eyes
‘Cause it showed you to a different path
With beams from paradise
Do not weep my beautiful
Your candle is still burning
And I will make my loyal horse
Take your heavy burden
Do not weep my beautiful
'Cause darkness is but fleeting
And you will wake up to a sunlit day
Where sunlight is ever greeting
Each hum, each breath, each heartfelt sigh
Can smooth your melancholy
Deep inside I do believe
You'll find a peace so holy
Do not weep my beautiful
'Cause darkness is but fleeting
And you will wake up to a sunlit day
Where sunlight is ever greeting

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