Тексты и переводы песен

All Blue

If I could be brave like a tree
Strong as the silver sea
If I could throw off my leaves and renew
Then maybe I could be with you.
If I could find my way in the night
And see beyond mountains high
Take back the sun that we painted so blue
Then maybe I could be with you.
Oh my love!, what have we done?
We took the heat out of the sun
And now it's all blue
Just like me and you.
If I could move far back in time
And sweep away the tears we cried
Keep all the good times the bad times undo
Then maybe I could be with you.
Oh my love!, what have we done?
We took the heat out of the sun
And now it's all blue
Just like me and you.
If I had a heart shining like gold
A pure heart that never grows cold
If I could live life the way that you do
Then maybe i could be with you.
Oh my love!, What have we done?
We took the heat out of the sun
And now it's all blue
Just like me and you.


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