Тексты и переводы песен

Husbands And Wives

Ringo Starr — Husbands And Wives

с альбома: Goodnight Vienna (1974)

Husbands And Wives

Two broken hearts lonely looking like
Houses where nobody lives.
Two people each having so much pride inside,
Neither sides forgives.

The angry words spoken in haste,
Such a waste of two lives.
It's my belief, pride is the chief cause and the decline
In the numbers of husbands and wives.

Two broken hearts lonely looking like
Houses where nobody lives.
Two people each having so much pride inside,
Neither sides forgives.

The angry words spoken in haste,
Such a waste of two lives.
It's my belief, pride is the chief cause and the decline
In the numbers of husbands and wives.

A woman and a man, a man and a woman,
Some can and some can't, and some can't.

The angry words spoken in haste,
Such a waste of two lives.
It's my belief, pride is the chief cause and the decline
In the numbers of husbands and wives.

It's my belief, pride is the chief cause and the decline
In the numbers of husbands and wives.

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