Тексты и переводы песен


Ringo Starr — Blindman

с альбома: Goodnight Vienna (1974)


Blindman, with your piece of paper, what you gonna do?
Blindman, with your paper, can you see it through?
Your name on that paper means so much to you,
You made a promise, you would get them through.
The girls to the miners, you would fix them too.
They've been taken,
You've lost them all and the money too.
They've been taken,
You've lost them all and the money too.

Come on, blue, what you gonna do now?
Come on, blue, what you gonna do now?

Mexico, you've got to go, you know it just ain't fair-
To get your women back, now hurry because they're all there.
You're all alone but you'll make it alright,
You'll find your women there
But to get them, you'll have to fight.

Come on, blue, what you gonna do now?
Come on, blue, what you gonna do now?

Come on, blue, what you gonna do now?
Come on, blue, what you gonna do now?

Come on, blue, what you gonna do now?

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