Тексты и переводы песен

I Surrender

Papa Roach — I Surrender

с альбома: Ego Trip (2022)

I Surrender

Get down
Get down

Time's catching up, breathing down my neck
Now I'm reminded of the things I did
The things I did
Had a revelation, a change of view
We all get stuck but we don't all get through
We don't all get through

And I can't just let the broken record spin
On, and on, and on, and on again
I can't run from who I've been
But I'll try to find a way to make amends
I'm not the same person I was back then
Now I can't run from who I've been
I surrender

These broken wings have traveled far
Can't get away from this bleeding heart
This bleeding heart
I'll face the mirror, I'll take the blame
For every time that I've caused you pain
I've caused you pain

And I can't just let the broken record spin
On, and on, and on, and on again
I can't run from who I've been
But I'll try to find a way to make amends
I'm not the same person I was back then
Now I can't run from who I've been
I surrender

I can't just let the broken record spin
On, and on, and on, and on again
I can't run from who I've been
I surrender

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