Тексты и переводы песен

Cut The Line

Papa Roach — Cut The Line

с альбома: Ego Trip (2022)

Cut The Line

Are you tangled up inside
Is it something that you hide?
If you listen to the voice inside
Ka-ka-ka-cut the line
Cut the line

Are you trapped up in your thoughts?
Tied up in knots?
Dying to find a way out?
When there's nobody around
And you're melting down
It seems like you need to reach out

Is there something that you wanna say?
Is there something that you wanna say?
Is there something that you wanna say?
Is there something that you wanna say?

Are you tangled up inside
Is it something that you hide?
Are you twisted up and don't know why?
Are you stuck inside your head
Like I'm stuck inside my head
If you listen to the voice inside
Ka-ka-ka-cut the line
Cut the line

Are you stumbling with your words
Sometimes it hurts
'Cause you don't have a way to speak out
Are you terrorizing yourself?
Terrified of that hell?
I wish you would just make a sound

Is there something that you wanna say?
Is there something that you wanna say?
Is there something that you wanna say?
Is there something that you wanna say?

Are you tangled up inside
Is it something that you hide?
Are you twisted up and don't know why?
Are you stuck inside your head
Like I'm stuck inside my head
If you listen to the voice inside
Ka-ka-ka-cut the line
Ka-ka-ka-cut the line

Are you tangled up inside
Is it something that you hide?
Are you twisted up and don't know why?
Are you stuck inside your head
Like I'm stuck inside my head
If you listen to the voice inside
Ka-ka-ka-cut the line
Ka-ka-ka-cut the line

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