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Papa Roach — Bloodline

с альбома: Ego Trip (2022)


I got cold feet
Running through the summer in the hot heat
Didn't see it coming but it saw me
I can't believe it took me by surprise

Heart beat
Hitting in my chest harder than concrete
Laying in the shadows and I won't sleep
Til it's safe for you to close your eyes

I lay my life down on the line
I got you
I'll watch your back if you got mine
I got you
I got you
I got you

This ain't ordinary life
If all we do is just survive
These aren't ordinary times

We can't go outside
The house is on fire
And everybody's try'na protect the bloodline

We can't go outside
The house is on fire
And everybody's try'na protect the bloodline
We can't go outside
The house is on fire
And everybody's try'na protect the bloodline

B-b-brake check
Fear has got you spinning like a tape deck
Everybody sucking on that high tech
Take me back to 1989

This ain't ordinary life
If all we do is just survive
These aren't ordinary times

We can't go outside
The house is on fire
And everybody's try'na protect the bloodline

We can't go outside
The house is on fire
And everybody's try'na protect the bloodline
We can't go outside
The house is on fire
And everybody's try'na protect the bloodline

Protect the bloodline

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