Тексты и переводы песен

Perfect Someone

Sofi Tukker — Perfect Someone

с альбома: BREAD (2024)

Perfect Someone

Right when I laid eyes on you, I thought to myself
Oh, could it be someone that's made just for me?
Oh, I can't make this up, what if I fuck it up
Well, then I'm wrong
You're not the perfect someone made for me

Right when I laid eyes on you, I thought to myself
Oh, could it be someone that's made just for me?
Oh, I can't make this up, what if I fuck it up

Right when I laid eyes on you, I thought to myself
How could it be someone that's made just for me
Oh, I can't make this up, what if I fuck it up
Well, then I'm wrong
You're not the perfect someone made for me

Laid eyes on you
Laid eyes on you
Laid eyes on you
Laid eyes on you
Laid eyes on you
Laid eyes on you
Laid eyes on you
Laid eyes on you

Right when I laid eyes on you, I thought to myself
Oh, could it be someone that's made just for me?
Oh, I can't make this up, what if I fuck it up
Well, then I'm wrong
You're not the perfect someone made for me

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