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Guardian Angel (Stand By You)

Sofi Tukker — Guardian Angel (Stand By You)

с альбома: BREAD (2024)

Guardian Angel (Stand By You)

I'll stand by you, I'll tell you what to do
When you get so, all mixed up, just you call
I'll get you all fixed up
There's a guardian angel for you

I'll stand by you, I'll tell you what to do
When you get so, all mixed up, just you call
I'll get you all fixed up
There's a guardian angel for you

My hand will find you
When it's dark and you get blue
When you get so confused and if you fall
And you get hurt and bruised
There's a guardian angel for you

You needn't cry
You needn't even hide
You ought to know that I'll be there to guide you
I'll stand by you

I'll stand by you
I'll stand by you

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