Тексты и переводы песен


Scooter — Encore

с альбома: Ace (2016)


Never thought that I would ever say it
I can't do this no more
Already made up my mind won't change it
There will be no encore, encore, encore...

See yeah my chick
Yeah she loves my selfie stick
Yeah my lovely tinderella
When you're cumming under my umbrella
Late at night one swipe to the right
Gonna get a fever cause ya dressin' so tight
Do it hard and do it bat, but always use a jimmy hat

Never thought that I would ever say it
I can't do this no more
Already made up my mind won't change it
There will be no encore, encore, encore

Never thought that I would ever say it
I can't do this no more
Already made up my mind won't change it
There will be no encore, encore, encore

Don't call me I call you
Got so many things I wanna do to you
Chicks pretending, they don't give a damn
But are liking every picture on my instagram
Late at night one swipe to the right
Gonna get a fever cause ya dressin so tight
Do it hard and do it bad but always use a jimmy hat
There will be no encore

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