Тексты и переводы песен

Don't Break The Silence

Scooter — Don't Break The Silence

с альбома: Ace (2016)

Don't Break The Silence

Don't break the silence,
I'm trying to fight it
Don't wake me up tonight,
I block sirens
While light's are blinding
Don't wake me up tonight

Standing here on my own
Coming up like a cyclone
Mutal vibes got the same direction
Solid gold, easy action
To the beat now
Keep it up now
To the beat now

Don't break the silence,
I'm trying to fight it
Don't wake me up tonight
I block the sirens
While light's are blinding
Don't wake me up tonight

I am in full force
Cause I'm the spitfire
Hit your mind with another rhyme
You'll see I'll take you higher

To the beat now
Keep it up now
To the beat now

I block the sirens
While lights are blinding
Don't wake me up tonight

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