Тексты и переводы песен

Out On The Streets

Ringo Starr — Out On The Streets

с альбома: Ringo The 4th (1977)

Out On The Streets

I woke up this evening, my head was reeling
Nothing was happening, I had no feeling
I knew that I had to be out on the streets
Out on the streets

Got in my car, looking for action
Blew right down Broadway, got no reaction
Two cops were following me out on the street
Out on the street

Got out of my car and I started walking
I met some ladies and we started talking
That's why I'm so glad to be out on the street
Oh, out on the street

Well, I'm spending my money, taking my chances
Going to clubs, doing new dances
Watching the fire on my feet out on the street
Out on the street

Well, night time is fading, I jumped off my motor
Somebody told me to try the Dakota
They're just like two people you'll meet out on the street
Out on the street

They're just like Vini and me
Out on the street
Woah! Out on that street

Hey, I was walking down the street and you know what this guy said?
He says, "Hey man", he says, "I want that watch"
I said "What? You want this watch?"
He said "Yeah! I want that watch"
I said "Well, you watch this 'cause I'm going to stomp on your f--kin' head"
And you know what he said to me?
He said, "Hey baby, I'm going to stick this knife right up your nose"
I said "Well, I don't mind as there's something on the end of it"

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