Тексты и переводы песен

I Wouldn't Have You Any Other Way

Ringo Starr — I Wouldn't Have You Any Other Way

с альбома: Beaucoups Of Blues (1970)

I Wouldn't Have You Any Other Way

You're so different from anyone I've ever known
And to try to change you now, would be all wrong
Sometimes I don't understand everything you say
But I wouldn't have you any other way

I wouldn't want you if you weren't you
And I'll admit, I don't understand half the things you do
Sometimes I don't go along with things you do each day
But I wouldn't have you any other way

I wouldn't want you if you weren't you
And I'll admit, I don't understand half the things you do
Sometimes I don't go along with things you do each day
But I wouldn't have you any other way

Sometimes I don't go along with things you do each day
But I wouldn't have you any other way

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