Тексты и переводы песен

Don't Go Where The Road Don't Go

Ringo Starr — Don't Go Where The Road Don't Go

с альбома: Time Takes Time (1992)

Don't Go Where The Road Don't Go

I woke up from a bad dream
To the howling of a lonely night.
But the walls come closing in
Like the victim of a one-way fight.
I don't remember many yesterdays,
I left a lot of things undone,
Now i'm back and i'm here to say
I'm looking after number one.

Don't go, don't go where the road don't go,
Don't go, don't go where the road don't go.

Seeing people on the freeway,
Takes me back to where i started from.
I was riding on the big wheel,
I was walking in a midnight sun.
Well, i did a lot of favours then,
I asked for nothing in return.
Now those friends have all disappeared,
I guess there's still so much to learn.

Don't go, don't go where the road don't go,
Don't go, don't go where the road don't go.
Don't go, don't you go where the road don't go.
'Cause you'll never run, you'll never outrun the gun.

Well, i said it don't come easy.
Well, i sure know how it feels.

Don't go, don't go where the road don't go,
Don't go, don't go where the road don't go.

Don't go, don't go where the road don't go,
Don't go, don't go where the road don't go.
Don't go, don't you go where the road don't go.
'Cause you'll never run, you'll never outrun the gun.

Don't go, don't go where the road don't go,
Don't go, don't go where the road don't go.
Don't go, don't you go where the road don't go.

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