Тексты и переводы песен

Won't Let Up

Papa Roach — Won't Let Up

с альбома: The Connection (2012)

Won't Let Up

If you feel like your world is coming down around ya
When you feel like this world is looking down upon ya
The only way is up but if you change you got to wanna
And if you don’t than you’ll definitely be a goner
And it’s okay if you breakdown or breakthrough
I’ll be here if you need me to remind you
You’re not the first and you’re not the last
It only gets worse if you’re living in the past

Open your eyes and you will see
Because I still believe

Sometimes you got to lose everything
To find out that you’ve always been running blind
You got to keep your head up
When the world won’t let up
Sometimes you got to leave everything
To find out what you don’t want to leave behind
You got to keep your head up
When the world won’t let up

So when you feel like everyone is out to get you
L-O-V-E- is something that will protect you
And when the dust settles and you have your breakthroughs
M-U-R-D-E-R all the pain
It will set you free, everybody like me
Just reach for the sky when you rise in the sea
You’re not the first and you’re not the last
It only gets worse if you’re living in the past

Open your eyes and you will see
Because I still believe

Sometimes you got to lose everything
To find out that you’ve always been running blind
You got to keep your head up
When the world won’t let up
Sometimes you got to leave everything
To find out what you don’t want to leave behind
You got to keep your head up
When the world won’t let up

Hey, even though it hurts like hell
You have to bleed
Hey, even when we fight for air
We keep on breathing
Hey, even if you lost yourself
You still have me
Hey, even if you hate yourself
You have no reason

I still believe in
I still believe in
I still believe in
I still believe in

Sometimes you got to lose everything
To find out that you’ve always been running blind
You got to keep your head up
When the world won’t let up
Sometimes you got to leave everything
To find out what you don’t want to leave behind
You got to keep your head up
When the world won’t let up

You got to keep your head up
Because the world won’t let up
Keep your head up
You got to keep your head up
Because the world won’t let up

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