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Leader Of The Broken Hearts

Papa Roach — Leader Of The Broken Hearts

с альбома: The Connection (2012)

Leader Of The Broken Hearts

All the lies I told you now the truth
Here I am with nothing left to lose
Now that I'm crawling in my skin
Maybe it's time I just give in
I've become the leader of the broken hearts

And now I finally know what it feels like
To risk everything and still survive
When you're standing on the battlefield
And all the pain is real
That's when you realize
That you must've done something right
Cause you've never felt so alive

Holding out for more than I deserve
And hanging on to all your careless words
Maybe it's time I cut the cord
Maybe I stay and take some more
I've become the leader of the broken hearts

And now I finally know what it feels like
To risk everything and still survive
When you're standing on the battlefield
And all the pain is real
That's when you realize

And now I know what it feels like
To risk everything and still survive
When you're standing on the battlefield
And all the pain is real
That's when you realize
That you must've done something right
Cause you've never felt so alive

I'm the leader of the broken hearts
I'm the leader of the broken hearts
I'm the leader of the broken hearts
I'm the leader of the broken hearts
I'm the leader of the broken hearts
I'm the leader of the broken hearts

And now I finally know what it feels like
To risk everything and still survive
When you're standing on the battlefield
And all the pain is real
That's when you realize

And now you finally know what it feels like
To risk everything and still survive
When you're standing on the battlefield
And all the pain is real
That's when you realize
That you must've done something right
Cause you've never felt so alive

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