Тексты и переводы песен

The Enemy

Papa Roach — The Enemy

с альбома: Time For Annihilation (2010)

The Enemy

I want to chase my dreams
But you just punish me
I lost myself inside the lies and wicked ways
I'm starting to believe
You'll be the death of me
But all I see is the reflection of the enemy
I think I've lost my way

Because I got nowhere to run
And nowhere to hide
I'm running from the enemy inside
I'll fight for my life
Because I want to survive

It's not the TV screen
It's not my family
I'd still be damage even if I grew up perfectly
It's something deep inside
Something I can't explain
It's like I've got a disease without a fucking name
I think I've lost my way

Because I got nowhere to run
And nowhere to hide
I'm running from the enemy inside
I'll fight for my life
And try to survive
I got to face the enemy inside
I'm crying for help
I'm living a lie
I'll do anything just to stay alive

I can't take it anymore
Can't fake it anymore
I swear I'll give up my fears

And I can't take it anymore
Can't fake it anymore
I swear I'll give up my fears

Because I got nowhere to run
And nowhere to hide
I'm running from the enemy inside
I'll fight for my life
And try to survive
I got to face the enemy inside
This is the end of me

The end of me
This is the end of me
I am the enemy

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