Тексты и переводы песен

One Track Mind

Papa Roach — One Track Mind

с альбома: Time For Annihilation (2010)

One Track Mind

Sex addicts, drugs, and vampires
They permeate my life
Don't know which one I'm gonna be tonight
I know you think I'm crazy
You think I've lost my mind
I'm locked and loaded got you in my sights

You are my nemesis
The one I can't resist
I got a one track mind
Turn the lights out
Lay your head down
Now you got me where you want me
I'm the pain and you're the pleasure
Can't you read the signs
I've got a one track mind

I got a one track mind
I got a one track mind

I'm numb I've got no conscious
Can't get you off my mind
You're in my line of fire every time
You narcissistic lover
You complicate my life
But then I find myself with you tonight

You are my nemesis
The one I can't resist
I've got a one track mind
And now I'm losing it
I need another hit
I think you could be it
I've got a one track mind

Turn the lights out
Lay your head down
Now you got me where you want me
I'm the pain and your the pleasure
Can't you read the signs
I've got a one track mind

I've got a one track mind
I've got a one track mind

I wanna love you til the bitter end
Get underneath your skin
I wanna pleasure every part of you
And take you from within

Turn the lights out
Lay your head down
Now you got me where you want me
Turn the lights out
Lay your head down
Now you got me where you want me
I'm the pain and your the pleasure
Can't you read the signs
I've got a one track mind

Turn the lights out
I got a one track mind
Turn the lights out
I got a one track mind

I got a one track mind
I got a one track mind
I got a one track mind

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