Тексты и переводы песен

The Addict

Papa Roach — The Addict

с альбома: The Paramour Sessions (2006)

The Addict

Well I'm a junkie
For the quick fix
Addicted to the fast life tonight
Control me, consult me

I wanna get lost in the pleasures
of my flesh like a sick boy tonight
Control me, consult me

Will I make it through
This treacherous situation
I'm livin my life
surrounded by temptation

I'm addicted
I'm giving into you
I'm addicted
I need another hit of you

I'm addicted
I'm giving into you
I'm addicted
I need another hit of you

I've got a pocket full of pills
And I'm lookin for a cheap thrill tonight
Control me, consult me

I've got a disaster on my hands
Cause I'm livin like a criminal tonight
Control me, consult me

Will I make it through
This treacherous situation
I'm livin my life
surrounded by temptation

I'm addicted
I'm giving into you
I'm addicted
I need another hit of you

I'm addicted
I'm giving into you
I'm addicted
I need another hit of you

I'm giving into you
I'm giving into you

I keep giving into you
Giving into you

I'm addicted
I'm giving into you
I'm addicted
I need another hit of you

I'm addicted
I'm giving into you

I'm addicted
Giving into you

Keep giving into you
I need another hit of you
I keep giving into you
Giving into you

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