Тексты и переводы песен

No More Secrets

Papa Roach — No More Secrets

с альбома: The Paramour Sessions (2006)

No More Secrets

I live the days of war
I live the nights of love
I suffer to survive
I gotta gotta gotta stay alive
I hear the battle cries
The fists are in the sky
I know what I'm fighting for...
No more secrets no more lies
See right through your alibis
Take a look into my eyes
No more secrets no more lies
This is a call to arms
It's time to go to war
It's time to rant and rave
Gotta gotta gotta make a change
Down on the devil street
Is there everybody meets
I know what I'm fighting for...
What goes around comes around baby!
You'll get yours one day, that's right!
I want it all I want it now!
Make no mistake, give it to me straight...
What goes around comes around baby!
You'd get yours one day, that's right!

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