Тексты и переводы песен

State Of Emergency

Papa Roach — State Of Emergency

с альбома: Metamorphosis (2009)

State Of Emergency

There's a movie playing in my head
Bombs falling and children crying
The sun rise and the sky turns red
Load your guns tonight
There's a song playing down the hall
All alone there's an old man dying
I can't feel anything at all
Something isn't right

This is a state of emergency
I've been running from a tragedy
There's a battle raging in my head
I don't wanna be left for dead

This is a state of emergency
Don't wanna be another casulty
There's a cemetary in my head
I don't wanna be left for dead
Left for dead

There's a world standing in my way
Father said that I best stop trying
Stand down it will be ok
You dont have to fight

There's a picture hanging on the wall
Of a memory that I'm denying
Sunsets and the angels fall
Something isn't right

This is a state of emergency
I've been running from a tragedy
There's a battle raging in my head
I don't wanna be left for dead

This is a state of emergency
Don't wanna be another casulty
There's a cemetary in my head
I don't wanna be left for dead

No, don't leave me here alone
I wanna make this on my own
I would rather die than sell my soul
I would rather lie than let you go

There's a voice screaming in my head
Telling me that I best stop crying
Stand up it will be ok
Load your guns tonight

This is a state of emergency
I've been running from a tragedy
There's a battle raging in my head
I don't wanna be left for dead

This is a state of emergency
Don't wanna be another casulty
There's a cemetary in my head
I don't wanna be left for dead

State of emergency
State of emergency
State of emergency
State of emergency
I dont wanna be left for dead
Left for dead!
Left for dead...

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