Тексты и переводы песен

I Almost Told You That I Loved You

Papa Roach — I Almost Told You That I Loved You

с альбома: Metamorphosis (2009)

I Almost Told You That I Loved You

You know I love it when you're down on your knees
And I'm a junkie for the way that you please
You shut me up when you swallow me down
My back to the wall, you're going to town

I almost told you that I loved you
Thank god I didn't 'cause it would've been a lie
I say the damnedest things, when you're on top of me
I almost told you that I loved you

I hate to say it but it has to be said
You look so fragile as I fuck with your head
I know it shouldn't but it's getting me off
If sex is the drug, then what is the cost?

I almost told you that I loved you
Thank god I didn't 'cause it would've been a lie
I say the damnedest things, when you're on top of me
I almost told you that I loved you

I'm not the one that you want, I'm not the one that you need
My love is like a fucking disease
You can give me your hand, you can make your demands
I'm the hardest mother fucker to please

Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey

I almost told you that I loved you
Thank god I didn't 'cause it would've been a lie
I say the damnedest things, when you're on top of me
I almost told you that I loved you

[Repeat chorus]

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