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Papa Roach — Help

с альбома: Crooked Teeth (2017)


I think I need help
I'm drowning in myself

Did someone turn the lights out
Or is it just another dark cloud in my head?
Cause I'm cut deep, my heart won't beat
Deep down low it's killing me
If I wanna scratch out yesterday
I've got so much I need to say
(I've got so much I need to say)

I think I need help
Cause I'm drowning in myself
It's sinking in, I can't pretend
That I ain't been through hell
I think I need help
I'm drowning in myself

They're preying on my weakness
Believe it
I'm thinking to myself "No not again"
And I won't keep listening
When temptation's creeping in
If I wanna make it another day
I've got so much I need to say
(I've got so much I need to say)

I think I need help
Cause I'm drowning in myself
It's sinking in, I can't pretend
That I ain't been through hell
I think I need help
I'm drowning in myself

(I'm drowning in myself)

I think I need help
Cause I've put myself through hell

I think I need help
Cause I'm drowning in myself
It's sinking in, I can't pretend
That I ain't been through hell
I think I need help

I think I need help
I think I need help

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