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Bleeding Through

Papa Roach — Bleeding Through

с альбома: Crooked Teeth (2017)

Bleeding Through

Have you been hiding
From the whispers of your doubts
Are you denying me
Cause I keep on reaching out
But after everything that you've been through
I know you did the best that you could do
And I had to let you know
You're so much more than damaged

Why can't you see what I see in you
I know all about the pain you're feeling
What you're going through
Life cuts you open, feels like you're broken
I only wish you knew
In darkness you're still beautiful
But I can see your open wounds
They're bleeding through

I know you're fading
Into the shadows of your life
Don't push me away from you
Do you wanna be lonely when you die?
After everything that you've been through
I know you did the best that you could do

Why can't you see what I see in you
I know all about the pain you're feeling
What you're going through
Life cuts you open, feels like you're broken
I only wish you knew
In darkness you're still beautiful
But I can see your open wounds
They're bleeding through

They are bleeding through
Life cuts you open, feels like you're broken
Life cuts you open and it feels like you're broken

It feels like you're broken
It feels like you're broken
It feels like you're broken
It feels like you're broken

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