Тексты и переводы песен

My Man's Gone Now

Nina Simone — My Man's Gone Now

с альбома: Nina Simone Sings The Blues (1967)

My Man's Gone Now

My man's gone now
Ain't no use a listenin'
For his tired footsteps
Climbin' up the stairs

Old man sorrow's
Come to keep me company
Whisperin' beside me
When I say my prayers
When I say my prayers

He come aroud
He come up, he come around
Ain't that I mind workin'
Workin' means travelers
Journeyin' togheter
To the promised land

But old man sorrow
Mountin' all the way with me
Tell' me that I'm old now
Since I lose my man
Since I lose my man

Since I lose my man

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