Тексты и переводы песен

Come to the Rescue

Imany — Come to the Rescue

с альбома: Time Only Moves (2020)

Come to the Rescue

I don't know what it's like to wake up in the morning
And to find your own house turned into ashes
I don't know what it's like to bury all my siblings
And to live in the dark of daily bombing
Of daily bombing

Oh, come to the rescue
Come to the rescue
Come to the rescue
Come to the rescue
Come to the rescue
Come to the rescue
No one
There is no one

I don't know what it's like to fight for your next meal
And to sleep in the dark when the winter is coming
I don't know what it's like to see people drowning
From a boat you embarked on wishful thinking
Wishful thinking

So come to the rescue
Come to the rescue
Come to the rescue
Come to the rescue
Come to the rescue
Come to the rescue
No one
There is no one

To come to the rescue
Come to the rescue
Come to the rescue
Come to the rescue
Come to the rescue
Come to the rescue
No one
There is no one

They all preach for peace, but who wants you?
They all preach for justice, none of it is true
While they talk, I'm fading ...
While they talk I'm drowning ... what they should do

I don't know what it's like to wake up in the morning
And to find your own house turned into ashes
I don't know what it's like to bury all my siblings
And to live in the dark of daily bombing
Of daily bombing

Oh, come to the rescue
Come to the rescue
Come to the rescue
Come to the rescue
Come to the rescue
Come to the rescue
No one
There is no one

To come to the rescue
Come to the rescue
Come to the rescue
Come to the rescue
Come to the rescue
Come to the rescue
No one
There is no one

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