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Morning Show

Iggy Pop — Morning Show

с альбома: EVERY LOSER (2023)

Morning Show

The hurt that's in my face
Didn't come from outer space
I'm crispy on the outside
And juicy where I cry
We cannot be happy, because I will not be happy

I'll fix my face and go
Go and do the morning show
I'll fix my face and go
Time to do the morning show like a pro

The clown you loved is dead
My insides have turned red
A future that is hopeless
Just makes each day delicious
Time is like a peel, it opens and reveals

I'll fix my face and go
Go and do the morning show
I'll fix my face and go
Time to do the morning show like a pro

I'll fix my face and go
Time to do the morning show
It's gonna hurt, I know
Gotta do the morning show

I'll fix my face and go
Gotta do the morning show
It's gonna hurt, I know
Time to do the morning show like a pro

Oh no

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