Тексты и переводы песен


Iggy Pop — Frenzy

с альбома: EVERY LOSER (2023)


I got a dick and two balls, that's more than you all
My mind will be sick if I suffer the pricks
So shut up and love me 'cause fun is my buddy
All the sharks in the sea are waiting on me

I'm in a frenzy, you fucking prick
I'm in a frenzy, you goddamn dick
I'm in a frenzy, you stoned douchebag
And the hate that I feel is oh so real
I'm in a frenzy (Frenzy)
I'm in a frenzy (Frenzy)
I'm in a frenzy (Frenzy)
I'm in a frenzy

I'm sick of the squeeze, I'm sick of the tears
I'm sick of the freeze, I'm sick of disease
So give me a try before I fucking die
My mind is on fire, will I ever retire?

I'm in a frenzy, you fucking prick
I'm in a frenzy, you goddamn dick
I'm in a frenzy, you stoned douchebag
And this hate that I feel is oh so real
I'm in a frenzy (Frenzy)
I'm in a frenzy (Frenzy)
I'm in a frenzy (Frenzy)
I'm in a frenzy
Do you get it?
I'm in a frenzy (frenzy)
I'm in a frenzy (frenzy)
I'm having a great time (frenzy)
I'm gonna burn (frenzy)
Frenzy, frenzy, frenzy, frenzy (frenzy)
Frenzy, frenzy, frenzy, oh (frenzy)
Frenzy, frenzy, frenzy, frenzy

I got a dick and two balls

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