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Amália Rodrigues - I Can't Begin to Tell You

Amália Rodrigues — I Can't Begin to Tell You

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I Can't Begin to Tell You

I can't begin to tell you
How much you mean to me.
My world would end
If ever we were through.
I can't begin to tell you
How happy I would be
If I could speak my mind
Like others do.
I make such pretty speeches
Whenever we're apart.
But when you're near
The words I choose
Refuse to leave my heart.
So take the sweetest phrases
The world has ever known
And make believe
I've said them all to you.
I make such pretty speeches
Whenever we're apart.
But when you're near
The words I choose
Refuse to leave my heart.
So take the sweetest phrases
The world has ever known.
And make believe
I've said them all to you.

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