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Within Temptation - Orff (Jillian demo)

Within Temptation — Orff (Jillian demo)

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Orff (Jillian demo)

We’ve been dreaming for so long
Careless whispers lead our way
And before he, his time passed
Never failing until the end
Will you always, will you always
See the truth when it stares you in your face?
Will never, do you never
See the love in having your faith?
If you want to belong
And never see you facing
To find your sorrow in you
And never never feel your pain
It’s too long, to belong
And never see you facing
Never to be strong
We’ve been dreaming for so long
Careless whispers lead our way
And before he, his time passed
Never failing until the end
Will you always, will you always
See the truth when it stares you in your face?
Do you never, do you never
See the love in having your faith?
If you want to belong
And never see you facing
To find your sorrow in you
And never never feel your pain
It’s too long, to belong
And never see you facing
Never to be strong
The dream has ended long ago
But all our stories and endless glory found in here
We’ll be together, forever and ever found in here
We’ll always be here, to
If you want to belong
And never see you facing
To find your sorrow in you
And never never feel your pain
It’s too long, to belong
And never see you facing
Never to be strong

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