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Liners Notes

“You start at the end. You start with emptiness. You start with nothing. You start with the void… I lost my mother when I was 14. I learned so much from her vanishing. I wish it had never happened. I wish that I had been older. But as a young teenager staring hard into that void, this is where a certain life-force gathered pace in me. Where a certain defiance began. To defy the odds. To defy people’s expectation. To defy death itself. To rob it of it’s power over me or anyone else…Somewhere along the way I discovered joy as an act of defiance. That defiance was the essence of romance.
The album has two love songs with pungent dark clouds crouching over perpetual skies. Beautiful. But flammable.
I won’t dwell in it or on it. I don’t want to name it. I feel fantastic now, stronger than ever.
I had to pull down the blinds on the world. Should I have the background and foreground noises? Turn down the volume of my crowded mind to hear that still soft voice.
I’ve always known that joy can’t be contrived. It’s a wellspring of a life being lived and loved. I went looking for the joy that cannot be manufactured.
We give birth to these songs, but it’s our audience that give life and meaning to them. ” 

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