Тексты и переводы песен

Clap Hands

Sane, sane, they're all insane
The fireman's blind, the conductor's lame
A Cincinnati jacket and a sad luck dame
Hanging out the window with a bottle full of rain
Clap hands. Clap hands
Clap hands. Clap hands
Said roar, roar the thunder and the roar
Son of a bitch is never comin' back here no more
Moon in the window, a bird on the pole
Can always find a millionaire to shovel all the coal
Clap hands. Clap hands
Clap hands. Clap hands
Steam, steam a hundred bad dreams
Goin' up to Harlem with a pistol in his jeans
A fifty dollar bill inside of Palladin's hat
And nobody's sure where Mr. Knickerbocker's at
Said roar, roar the thunder and the roar
Son of a bitch is never comin' back here no more
Moon in the window, a bird on the pole
Can always find a millionaire to shovel all the coal
Clap hands. Clap hands
Clap hands. Clap hands
Shine, shine a Roosevelt dime
All the way to Baltimore and runnin' out of time
Salvation Army seemed to wind up in the hole
They all went to Heaven in a little row boat
Clap hands. Clap hands
Clap hands. Clap hands

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