Тексты и переводы песен

Never Let You Down

No I'll never let you down you down
No I'll never let you down again
Headphones - Headphones
Stereo in my ear
Rainbows - Rainbows
Above my head I see you
Hello - Hello
Like I was never here
Ain't got nobody
Ain't got nothing I can feel
Blackout - Blackout
I'm on my way downtown
They shout - They shout
Accelerating sounds
Sold out - Sold out
I cut across the crowd
The club is fadin'
And I'm staring at the dancehall
Now I see your face again
This time it's love
We're more than friends
No I'll never let you down you down
No I'll never let you down, again
Baby I will never never never again
Baby I will never never let you down again
Don't stop - Don't stop
Let's finish what we started
So hot - So hot
So close to brokenhearted
I got - You got
The ticket to the stars and
I promise everything to you
I cannot keep right
Now I see you dance again
This time - For real
We're more than friends
I wanna fly with you
Above the end
I'll promise you
I'll be a better man

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