Тексты и переводы песен


It will be so perfect, I said. Too beautiful for words.
It will be so perfect I said.
My words are stupid, worthless, merely so much noise
I want to cover up the wall
Good things never really run the first time through
Adapted for our latest ploy
A pantomime of feeling good good good!
And waving as the smile just sits
But really I have never cared less in my life
To ever smile again.
I sit before the mirror white and draw my red eyes black.
My head is full of everyone you ever knew
Reflected, tired and cracked.
My act is empty, hopeless only so much luck
A show to cover up the stage
All this strewn to satisfy another you in
Acting out this tired charade.
A pantomime of feeling good good good good gooooood!
Drowning as the smile drips down.
But really I have never cared less in my life
Whatever turns around.
I sit before the mirror cold and paint my black mouth red.
Your head is full of everyone I ever knew
Reflected, old and dead.
It will still be perfect, you said. Too beautiful for words.
It will still be perfect

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