Тексты и переводы песен

Spilt Milk

I don't think I ever know
If I ever really want it
Could be why I'm never sure
If I ever really got it
And I guess it's maybe easier
Not to think too much about it...
A house a car a family and friends
Yeah all it means to justify the ends
But sometimes... I wonder...
In the back of my mind
Sometimes... I wonder...
If I'm wasting all my time
Sometimes... I wonder...
If I'm putting off my real life...
What I could've done
Where I could've been
When I should've gone
Why I should've seen
Who I would've loved
How I would've dreamed
And if it's always always too late...
I don't think I ever know
That I ever really need it
Could be why I'm never sure
That I ever really feel it
And I think it's maybe easier
To guess I really mean it...
A house! A car! A family and friends!
Yeah all it means to justify the ends
But sometimes... I wonder...
A girl! A smile! A holiday and sex!
Yeah all it takes
To make sense of the rest
But sometimes... I wonder...
In the back of my mind
Sometimes... I wonder...
If I'm killing all my time
Sometimes... I wonder...
If I'm giving up my real life...
What I could've done
Where I could've been
When I should've gone
Why I should've seen
Who I would've loved
How I would've dreamed
And if it's always, always too late...
And every day that I let slide
Is one day more I never try
To break the world
To make my fate
And with every day that I let go
It's one day less I ever know
If it's always
Always too late...

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