Тексты и переводы песен

It's Not You

You wear your smile
Like it was going out of fashion
Dress to inflame
But douse any ideas of passion
You carry your love in a trinket
Hanging round your throat
Always inviting
Always exciting
But I must not take off my coat
Well I'm tired of hanging around
I want somebody new
I'm not sure who I've got in mind
But I know
That it's not you (x2)
You ask me questions
That I never wanted to hear
I am the only one
Just until you finish this year
I would murder you
If I had the alibi
Here in my hand
And you just laugh
'cause you don't understand
That I'm tired of hanging around
I want somebody new
I'm not sure
Who I've got in mind
But I know that it's not you
It's not you (x5)
No it's not you
That it's not you
It's not you (x2)

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