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Your Team Is Looking Good

The Black Keys — Your Team Is Looking Good

с альбома: Dropout Boogie (2022)

Your Team Is Looking Good

Hey hey, over there, your team is lookin' good
Hey hey, over there, your team is lookin' good
Your team is lookin' good, but not as good as ours

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust
You beat everybody, but you won't beat us
Hey hey, over there, your team is lookin' good

Hey hey, over there, your team is lookin' good
Hey hey, over there, your team's sure lookin' good
Your team is lookin' good, but not as good as ours

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust
You beat everybody, but you won't beat us
Hey hey, over there, your team is lookin' good

Hey hey, over there, your team is lookin' good
Hey hey, over there, your team is lookin' good

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