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Sting - This Was Never Meant To Be

Sting — This Was Never Meant To Be

This Was Never Meant To Be

This was nevermeant to be
All the signs were there to see
From the first moment that we met I knew
This was never meant to be

This was always doomed to fail
From the moment we set sail
All our instincts told us we were wrong
This was never meant to be

But soon we were enraptured in love's dance
When the dance ended I found
I couldn't live without you
And now one of my dreams is sad embers
Here in the cold of December
And now you're in the arms of someone else
I always knew that

This was always second best
Our love would fall at the first test
Common sense would tell us we were wrong
This was never meant to be

This was never meant to last
We drank our cup of love too fast
From the first moment that we met I knew
Now Miss, from our first kiss
I tell you: this was never meant to be

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