Тексты и переводы песен


Roam - in this faded dream.
Can you hear me when I scream?
Have they been in vain?
I am still the same.
All my fear and all my pain
Explains what remains.
Staring back, empty mirrors only fill my eyes.
Nothing's left to recognize.
So I tell myself that I'm alive.
I still hear you talk
Tock tick..
Tock tick..
Time is frozen here.
I can feel that you are near
I wish time would take you back
let you change the end
Writing all the words again and live - not pretend.
Staring back, empty mirrors only fill my eyes.
Nothing's left to recognize.
So I tell myself that I'm alive.
Even though I'm not...
I know I'm not...
Staring back, empty mirrors only fill my eyes.
Nothing's left to recognize.
So I tell myself, that I'm alive.
I still hear you...
Tock tick...
Tock tick..

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