Тексты и переводы песен


Crushing all you worthless goals
I define control
Your pain's my fucking ecstasy
So putrid is my world of tyranny
To accentuate your desperation
Flesh from bone I'll rip and tear
I hate the fact that we breath the same air
Helpless as I dominate
I won't celebrate
Until you've all been crucified
I can not rest till everyone has died
I can't stand the victim in you
Infecting everything that I do
I will eradicate
Obliterate depopulate
Divine atrocious suffering
Cleansation of the weak
Pissing on your faith
Incinerate God's whore
Perpetual is my reign
I will eat your soul
(Lead King)
Must maintain control of the weak
(Lead Hanneman)
Must maintain control of the weak
Must contain the minds of the free

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