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Slayer - Public Display Of Dismemberment

Slayer — Public Display Of Dismemberment

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Public Display Of Dismemberment

Anarchy, disarray, this is the world today
Justice is a lie for the followers to get by
No peace, only guns, can't trust anyone
Live or die it's an eye for an eye
Unrest, martial law, society decays
And it's safe to say there is no other way
With lawless arrogance and savage dissidents
Public display of dismemberment
Blameless innocent, lies of the decadent
Brazen hypocrites answering to idiots
New tax, market crash, high life never lasts
No quick fix, for broken politics
Unrest, martial law, society decays
And it's safe to say there is no other way
With lawless arrogance and savage dissidents
Public display of dismemberment
Aftermath of tolerance judgement is defined
Individual pain is a strong incentive
Infiltrate with fear keeping penance ever near
Punish with indecency and mutilate for all to see
Disarray, no quick fix, for broken politics
Anarchy, live or die it's an eye for an eye
Unrest, martial law, society decays
And it's safe to say there is no other way
With lawless arrogance and savage dissidents
Public display of dismemberment

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