Тексты и переводы песен


I'm the one that brings you war
Infiltrate unguarded shores
Master of afflicting pain
Point is where all die
I'm the one to taste your blood
Trashing through the crimson mud
Messenger of all demise
Point is where I reign
Piercing, impaling, no judgement, just punishment
Dis-create, annihilate assault with no regret
I'm the one to taste your death
Basking in your dying breath
Messenger of all demise
Point is where all die
Piercing, impaling, no judgement, just punishment
Dis-create, annihilate assault with no regret
Born to kill sweep and clear
Taring down the face of fear
Shrapnel flies dehumanize
Flesh and blood will fertilize
Empty all the magazines
Lethal spray from M-16's
Pace the march and sing the song
Right the fuck where I belong
Stained in blood
No fear - no sound
Penetrate your holy ground
Leave you where your comrades lie
Point is where all die
Pure destruction has begun
Fearlessly the battle's won
Spread extinction through the dawn
Signature of wrath is spawned
Minister of death unleashed
My lust for war will never cease
With no remorse I watch you die
Body count's the bottom line
Crashing slashing to the end
Your final pulse has just been spent
Leave you where your comrades lie
Point is where all fucking die
Crashing slashing to the end
Your final pulse has just been spent
Leave you where your comrades lie
Stained in blood
No fear, no pain, no life
Clouded skies rain only death
Silence all opposing threats
Quench the hunger of my gun
Exploding cites overrun
I'm the one to taste your death
Basking in your dying breath
Messenger of all demise
Point is where all die

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