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Slayer - Hardening of the Arteries

Slayer — Hardening of the Arteries

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Hardening of the Arteries

Fear runs wild in the veins of the world
The hate turns the skies jet black
Death is assured in future plans
Why live if there's nothing there
Spectors of doom await the moment
The mallet is sure and precise
Cover the crypts of all mankind
With cloven hoof begone
Sadistic minds
Delay the death
Of twisted life
Malicious world
The crippled youth try in dismay
To sabotage the carcass Earth
All new life must perish below
Existence now is futile
Decrepit breath
Vile in its stench
A world in decay
Transgressor is as one
Sadistic minds
Delay the death
Of twisted life
Malicious world
Convulsions take the world in hand
Paralysis destroys
Nobody's out there to save us
Brutal seizure, now we die
Sadistic minds
Delay the death
Of twisted life
Malicious world

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