Тексты и переводы песен

Hallowed Point

High velocity bullet at close range
Can damage the mind
Shattering the skull shredding the brain
Severing the spine
Bury a round of lead in the chest
It's quite an impression
Imagine the innards of your soul
The infliction
Instinctive regression
With intent to kill
No regard of human life
Or the blood spilled
Solo: Hanneman
Riddled convulsions
Confetti of flesh
Scattered helplessly
Losing your control of physical
Release the slide to cleanse inside
Prepare to anoint
Snap the tongue in groove discharged
To make my hallowed point
The power of a gun
Used with conviction
Dispersed on excursions
Randomly kills it victims
My sweet revenge
Bitter in depression
The thrilling release
Of a hated deep persuasion
Solo: King
The power of a gun
Used with conviction
Diffused compulsions
Unending repercussions
Violent emotion
Screaming revolution
Spasmic convulsions
Death an empty gun
Solo: Hanneman, King

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