Тексты и переводы песен

Fight Till Death

Metal and men clash once more to the end
Warriors above with power to kill descend
Militia of blood, troops of hate march to die
Soldiers of Hell, veterans of death arise
Prepare for attack, your body will burn
Endless war, there's no return
Prepare for attack, death will arrive
Your orders are clear, no way to hide
Fight till death
Senseless death of all mankind overtakes
Armored assassins destroy at will your escape
Children of sorrow are trampled onto the grave
There is no future, no fucking world to be saved
Prepare for attack, your body will burn
Endless war, there's no return
Prepare for attack, death will arrive
Your orders are clear, no way to hide
Fight till death
To reign in Hell
Gods of steel unleash their destruction on man
Reign of death what is the final command
Sceptres of hate are dropped upon this Earth
Clouds of terror destroy all hope of rebirth
Prepare for attack, your body will burn
Endless war, there's no return
Prepare for attack, death will arrive
Your orders are clear, no way to hide
Fight till death
Fight till death
Fight till death
Fight till death

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